Leocenis García al presidente Biden: «Presidente Biden las sanciones en Venezuela deben cesar»

Prensa Prociudadanos

El Coordinador Nacional de Prociudadanos Leocenis  García emite una carta al Presidente de EE. UU Joe Biden expresando su preocupación por Venezuela.

En dicho documento expresa «Los venezolanos necesitamos ayuda como la recibió Francisco de Miranda de los estados unidenses que vinieron por la liberación de Venezuela. Aunque pocos saben que dicha liberación tiene sangre estadounidense»

Asimismo, plasma en dicha carta «Lo que está haciendo EE. UU para ayudar a los venezolanos no está funcionando. Una política de aislamiento diseñada para la Guerra Fría tiene poco sentido en el siglo XXI».

«Las sanciones a Venezuela deben cesar, pero su levantamiento debe ser ligado al fortalecimiento de la democracia y a las elecciones libres, creíbles y verificables».

Por otra parte, García señala que las sanciones han favorecido al gobierno de Nicolás Maduro. » EE. UU debería haber sancionado a todo el círculo corrupto de Maduro, pero nunca al país, nunca a Venezuela. EE. UU en su esfuerzo por luchar contra Maduro ha atacado económicamente a Venezuela por lo que sufren son los pobres. El llamado gobierno interino es el mejor favor que Washington le ha dado a la propaganda del gobierno venezolano».

Leocenis García textualiza «Señor presidente creo que su administración debe a través del Departamento de Estado promover un diálogo nacional integral en donde se negocie un futuro claro en caso de una derrota electoral y el levantamiento de las sanciones al país previó al evento electoral’.

García puntualiza «Prociudadanos recientemente participó en las elecciones parlamentarias el pasado 6 de diciembre y demostró cómo opera el fraude electoral por parte del gobierno.

El Coordinador Nacional de Prociudadanos finaliza el escrito expresando «Si no es posible dar por finalizado el juicio del gobierno interino y el Departamento de Estado junto con la Casa Blanca seguiremos cubriendo con formol un cadáver evidentemente en descomposición. Entonces habríamos perdido la oportunidad de unir la oposición del país».

Leocenis García, coordinador Nacional de Prociudadanos, Caracas,25 de enero de 2021

A continuación, la carta  

Caracas, 2021

Mr. President Joe Biden

The White House

Washington, D.C.


In 1806 a group of Americans, led by Venezuelan Francisco de Miranda,

joined a military assault to promote the liberation of Venezuela, a colony

under the oppression of Spain.

These Americans landed near Ocumare de la Costa, northeastern

Venezuela, fighting against Spanish troops. A group of these men were

killed (a total of 200 came on the boats) and at least 10 were captured

and subsequently hanged by the Spanish regime.

Years later, in the government of President Cipriano Castro, a

monument «Column to the Americans», is ordered to be erected in

Puerto Cabello, in honor of this sacrifice, currently known as Plaza del


Today, Venezuela, Latin America’s oil power, is subjected to a new

oppression. Without consultation with the country, the interests of Cuba

and Russia, mainly, have isolated Venezuela, making it the Zimbabwe of

the continent.

We Venezuelans need help, like the one Francisco de Miranda received

from Americans, who saw in freedom a good reasonfor giving their lives.

Although the liberation of Venezuela is a little-known matter, it has

American blood.

What America is doing now to help Venezuelans is not working.An

isolation policy designed for the Cold War makes little sense in the 21st


Sanctions on Venezuela must cease, but their lifting must be tied to

strengthening democracy, and free, credible and verifiable elections.

Sanctions have been a blessing to dictator Maduro at the end of the day.

The U.S. should have sanctioned the entire corrupt circle of Nicolás

Maduro, but never the country, ever Venezuela.

The United States in its effort to fight Maduro, has attacked Venezuela

economically, and so the ones that suffer are the poor.The so-called

interim government is the best favor Washington has given to the

regime’s propaganda. The smear, corruption, coupled with the lack of

popular support of the interim government, has allowed the Maduro

regime to ignore and minimize the efforts of entrepreneurs, the Church,

as well as civil society sectors to seek democratic change in the country.

Mr. President, I think your administration must, through the State

Department, promote a comprehensive national dialogue that includes

all sectors that oppose the regime, as well as the representatives of the

dictatorship themselves, to resumenegotiations that lead towards

presidential elections.

The Maduro regime should get in this negotiation, a clear future in case

of an electoral defeat, and the lifting of sanctions on the country, prior to

the elections event. Political opposition, for its part, should get a precise

date of presidential

elections, with international observation and counting of ballots, as well

as the enabling of all disabled parties and candidates.

We have recently participated in elections in Venezuela. We have

demonstrated how electoral fraud operates. We know where to put the

correctives, so that the regime does not mock the popular will.

If Maduro’s regime tries to buy time in the negotiation and does not

commit itself to the necessity of a new presidential election, its failure will

be in sight of the world.

Likewise, if it is not possible to end the trial of the Interim government

and the State Department, along with the White House, continue coating

with formol an obviously decaying

corpse, then we would have missed the opportunity to unite the country’s

opposition, in the legitimate purpose of evicting Nicolas Maduro from


Mr. President, in the Avila, the mountain that surrounds the city of

Caracas, awaits a place to erect a new monument to the Americans who

help today to liberate Venezuela, as they did with Francisco Miranda

more than two centuries ago.

Help us!

Leocenis Garcia

National Coordinator of Procitizens



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